
July 26, 2020

María Cristina Useche Aguirre

Research Groups: Aspects to take into account for its creation and development

The knowledge society requires more coalition of the different branches of science, which requires research groups, understanding them as multidisciplinary spaces for the development of scientific research processes, where science is created from the whole, responding in an original way and innovative to the problems and needs of society, as well as to generate an impact on the topic being addressed.

To create or be part of a research group, it is necessary to take into account a set of aspects, namely: the preferential participation of different areas of knowledge, or of different areas of the field or discipline; the willingness to interact and integrate from respect and tolerance; meeting planning times regarding roles and responsibilities; take into account the importance of ethics in the research process, especially regarding data management and presentation; rational management of resources, to name a few aspects.

Research groups carry out activities in each phase of the research process, as:

- Create knowledge from the exchange of positions and the construction of methodical routes, inducing epistemic breaks from critical analysis, for the construction of new theoretical perspectives and empirical approaches.

- Assume a progressive dynamic in the research process, aimed at rationally solving the problem being addressed.

- Practice creativity and innovation skills from multidisciplinary orientations, product of discussions that lead to the implementation of one or several methods (multi-methods), as well as to the analytical, explanatory, evaluative and projective construction to achieve the research objective.

- Prepare research products, such as: scientific articles, presentations, essays, books, book chapters, among others, where shown the results of the research project.

- Socialize and disseminate research products, to discern with members of the scientific community about the frontiers of knowledge of the subject matter.

Organizing the roles of the members is essential in the distribution of duties:

- Generally, the leading researcher or guide is responsible for managing the resources and is accountable to the entity that finances the research project. Likewise, that leader is the one who verifies the progress. A fund manager should be appointed, who will ensure the distribution and use of resources, namely: economic, equipment, machinery, supplies and others according to the needs of the research project. The lead investigator or fund manager is also generally responsible for planning the stages, tasks, and time required in each phase of the investigative process. Although this can also be assigned to another member of the group.

- The tasks that correspond to the investigative process are divided among the researchers, according to their disciplines / areas, knowledge and skills, such as: search, treatment, analysis and writing; awarding them levels of responsibility and participation and based on this the authorship of the scientific products can be determined.

- Assistants and interns collaborate with the transfer work, administrative assistance, support in analysis meetings, among others, and can also participate in the construction of scientific products. Let's not forget that integrating students can be a good way to add experience to their academic training.

The development of all these activities is accompanied by challenges to keep a group of researchers cohesive, such as the development of group identity and its ethos, which is done to strengthen and enrich the unity of professionals and students with a diversity of knowledge and ways to investigate, but which have common objectives: to create knowledge, solve problems, promote the progress of society and socialize scientific advances.

Those of us in the knowledge society keep the invitation open to form research groups and / or to integrate existing ones, because based on this, the harmonious integration of specialized knowledge, autonomous and creative learning is promoted by experts, which contributes to professional training and social commitment in a world that demands socialization and vanguard.

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